Ancient Future, Modern Roots

Rafe Pearlman started his singing career with the wolves, ravens and sled dogs of the Alaskan wilderness. The wild nature of his exploratory singing has led to performances spanning the globe, from India, Hong Kong, Israel and Germany, to Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Thailand, Mexico and all across the United States.
Rafe’s intention with his music is to inspire a vision of a world in harmony and unity, celebrating diversity, sustainability, and equality for all beings. Sometimes a simple song is all it takes to open a connection.
He is a performer, composer, speaker and creative vocal coach.
Highlights of his many years of music making include performances at John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (USA) and America’s Got Talent (USA) which lead to touring with the Earth Harp Collective, the world’s largest stringed instrument.
In Malaga, Spain, Rafe was accompanied by a full orchestra, working with one of Hollywood’s top soundtrack composers, Tyler Bates, at the festival of film composers, “MOSMA.”

“Rafe captivated the crowd and created an infecteous mix of styles that were both soulful and globally rooted.
Delightful surprise at the Imagine fest. Both first experiences for me.”
Darek Mazzone : KEXP Seattle
“Watching Rafe Pearlman perform is more than going to a concert — it’s a spiritual experience that will both elevate and ground you. He and his band members are exceptional artists who bring decades of musicianship to the stage.
Colleen Smith : The Island’s Sounder
“It wasn’t a concert. It was like stepping into a whole different world for a few hours, immersing in the life of Rafe Pearlman, who grew up in the Alaska wilderness with sled dogs and ravens for friends.
He has translated his formative thoughts and experiences into music that is nothing like the kind you’re accustomed to hearing in everyday life. The sounds he makes combined with the sounds his instrumentalists create are powerful, reaching a deep, stirring place inside you. I think all of us in the audience were swept into another realm.”
I look forward to seeing more of what Rafe does. Don’t miss it.Remember his name.
Edee Kulper : Life on Orcas Island Magazine