Rafe Pearlman started his singing career with the wolves, ravens and sled dogs of the Alaskan wilderness. The wild nature of his exploratory singing has led to performances spanning the globe, from India, Hong Kong, Israel and Germany, to Italy, France, Spain, Australia, Thailand, Mexico and all across the United States.
Rafe’s intention with his music is to inspire a vision of a world in harmony and unity, celebrating diversity, sustainability, and equality for all beings. Sometimes a simple song is all it takes to open a connection.
He is a performer, composer, speaker and creative vocal coach.
Highlights of his many years of music making include performances at John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (USA) and America’s Got Talent (USA) which lead to touring with the Earth Harp Collective, the world’s largest stringed instrument.
In Malaga, Spain, Rafe was accompanied by a full orchestra, working with one of Hollywood’s top soundtrack composers, Tyler Bates, at the festival of film composers, “MOSMA.”